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Schedule a Hike:

You are invited to join Nancy on an individual or small group hike and discover the magic of the woods! See, hear and feel, using all of your senses…to connect with nature in a way you may not have experienced before.

Either Schedule a Private Hike or choose from one on the calendar.

Available Private Hikes:

  • A Visit to the Pine Grove

    This is the one that is for non-hikers. You can park right at the pine grove. Bring your chair or a blanket and sit in the ambiance of the pine grove. The white pine is considered an elder of the forest, by the indigenous people. Taste pine needle tea.

  • Finding a Sit Spot

    Walk in silence and sit in silence. Learn how to ask questions and receive from your inner guidance with automatic writing.

  • Spirits of the Land

    Connect with spirits of the land by using psychometry and guided meditation.

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