GROUND Glamping for Wellness Open House

I did n’t do my usual walk today…but went to an open house and gathering at Camp Innabah. It was my kind of place…that specializes in providing a place for “glamping” and connecting with nature! Check out their website for more information …

It was the perfect fall day for doing anything outside. I chose to listen to Tanya O’Connor, Irish singer and sound healer. (GAELICECHO.COM) 

After the session that was outside…my friend and I sat by the French Creek and did some writing. I had a sense that I somehow knew the people at this gathering…but not sure when and where? 

Here is what I heard through automatic writing, sitting next to the French Creek… 

“Yes, this is a reunion and an initiation for beings you have known before and will create with in the future. Welcome to the New Earth! Dream and create with others in community. This will be the theme for this gathering and community gatherings moving forward.” 

I open my heart to my higher self to answer my questions…How is the best way for me to share my writing? Is publishing it in a book my best way? 

“As always, your guidance from us will be to do what brings you joy. Ask in a prayerful way for co-creators to support you, if writing a book is what you choose. Yes, there may be expenses and there may be hours of work. But if you find joy in this work or see how it impacted others in a powerful way, you will know that it is the right choice.” 

Portal photo by Terri Carpenter taken at Camp Innabah on November 5, 2023

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