What does a gnome really look like?

I am strongly clairaudient, that’s how I am good at hearing messages from spirit. I am asking to see spirit in the woods, now and starting to see things “out of the corner of my eyes”. Recently I was at a sit spot near the oak tree roots that I wrote about in my blog in 2021. (https://hikingwithaspiritualtwist.com/tree-roots/ ) When I am at a sit spot, I spend a few minutes with each sense…hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling…and just notice what gets my attention. At this sit spot I opened my eyes to see what got my attention. In my peripheral vision I thought I saw a gnome figurine on the top of a dead tree? “Hmmm”, I thought, “Someone is being funny and placed a gnome figurine on top of a dead tree.”

When I did the visual scan of my surroundings I was also doing automatic writing. This is what I wrote in my journal through automatic writing…

Q./ I ask to any of the nature spirits who want to communicate with me…What is it that we need to know?

(This was when I thought I saw the gnome figure on the top of the dead tree.)

Do you want me to remove the gnome figurine?

A./ No, don’t remove it. We are showing you a visual to let you know that beings are here, though unseen.

Q./ What is it that we need to know about the New Earth?

A./ As part of ascension, when the frequency of the nature beings matches the ascending humans…the nature beings will be visible. This will definitely happen in your lifetime.

Q./ How will the beings appear to me when this happens?

A./ The visual will be similar to how ghosts of deceased humans appear. They will look like a solid form but it will not be solid, but etheric like a ghost. For you to feel safe seeing the spirit world, begin by sensing the spirits of deceased humans.

I don’t really know if I saw a gnome. What I did see, when I took a closer look …was a curly white tree fungus with a red fall leaf on top, sitting on the top of a dead tree.

What does a gnome really look like, anyway?

Thank you for listening to my story! Please comment or share your experiences in the comments.

🙂 Nancy


Clairaudient …One who has the ability to hear in a paranormal manner. A form of extra sensory perception.


You can visit Larry the gnome at Miach Herbs in Saint Peters Village.

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