Message from a Snake

Published in Tiny Seed Literary Journal

When FEAR presents itself:

Be in the moment.

Take a deep breath.

Listen to your heart.

Don’t allow FEAR to blur your vision

on this journey through life!



There is a backstory to the message from the snake…It was early on during the quarantine and I was walking alone with no specific destination, just taking a leisurely walk. Still, I was on alert for any new wildflowers that were blooming that day. And there he was…a sleeping snake sunning himself on a rock! I have walked on this same trail many times and have never seen a snake. I was frozen in my tracks. Because my first thought was, “This could be a Copperhead”. I knew that they were poisonous, so a bit of fear came in with that thought. Still keeping my distance, I watched the snake. In my mind’s ear, I heard, “Be in the moment. He’s just a snake taking a nap!”

Getting a little more courageous, I took a photo of the snake. Then my curiosity kicked in and I watched with childlike wonder and began to really appreciate the beauty of this moment in time. Nature’s beauty at it’ s best!

Of course, when I calmed down, I asked…What is the message from the snake?

“When you are faced with a fearful situation…BE IN THE MOMENT! TAKE A DEEP BREATH! What is really happening? In this case, the snake that looks like a Copperhead, was  just a Water Snake taking a nap on a rock! When you took a deep breath and waited a minute…He was still just a snake taking a nap on a rock and not threatening you. A beautiful opportunity may present itself…and you may feel FEAR.”

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