Early Fall in Hopewell Big Woods

Wildflowers are one of the main events in the Spring, but you can still see some beautiful wildflowers and mushrooms in early fall. Look around and see what you can see…on your hikes this fall in Hopewell Big Woods!


Horsebalm (Collinsonia canadensis (Horsebalm) (wildflowerid.info)) is a native wildflower, new to me this year.


Goldenrod: Pictures, Flowers, Leaves & Identification | Solidago (ediblewildfood.com)


How to Identify and Avoid Ragweed (thespruce.com)

Beech Drops… Beech drops are parasites, deriving their energy from the roots of the beech trees that are all around us, natives like the trees upon which they prey. Epifagus virginiana (Beech-drops) (florafinder.org)
Partridgeberry with berries…at Scotts Run Lake

2022 was a dry Summer. The mushroom photos you see below were taken in 2021, but they might reappear after a stretch of rainy days! September days after a rain are perfect to find mushrooms!

Turkey Tail

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