Early Fall in Hopewell Big Woods

Wildflowers are one of the main events in the Spring, but you can still see some beautiful wildflowers and mushrooms in early fall. Look around and see what you can see…on your hikes this fall in Hopewell Big Woods! Horsebalm (Collinsonia canadensis (Horsebalm) (wildflowerid.info)) is a native wildflower, new to…

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The Hitchhiker

The caterpillar apparently hitchhiked from my niece’s organic garden. I did n’t see any other way it could have gotten to my porch, but there it was, in the bouquet of flowers on the table! On my walks with HIKING WITH A SPIRITUAL TWIST, we ask Nature to “Show us…

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Published in TINY SEED JOURNAL …

Becoming a Wildflower… What does it feel like? The time is right to bloom! I know it, because my seed has been warmed by the Earth to the perfect temperature. It feels right to bloom! I just know that the time for resting is over. Growth is not always comfortable….

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